Correos alcanza un nuevo acuerdo con la mayoría sindical para garantizar el empleo en la empresa pública
• Con este nuevo acuerdo, Correos garantiza el empleo dentro de la empresa pública adaptando su plantilla a las iniciativas del Plan Estratégico que contrarrestan el declive del negocio…
Press releases
News room-
Correos recibe el premio Pilgrim 2025 de Acción Social por su proyecto…
Correos recibe el premio Pilgrim 2025 de Acción Social por su proyecto #CaminoSostenible
| 4 min reading• El Camino con Correos recibe este galardón por su proyecto #CaminoSostenible, una iniciativa que busca…
Correos recibe el “Certificado de Excelencia” a su Oficina de Cambio de Madrid-Barajas
Correos recibe el “Certificado de Excelencia” a su Oficina de Cambio de Madrid-Barajas
| 6 min reading• Este reconocimiento que otorga IPC (International Post Corporation) certifica que el procesamiento…
Correos faces the future with a Strategic Plan that reinforces its public service mission
Correos faces the future with a Strategic Plan that reinforces its public service mission
| 6 min reading• The Strategic Plan 2024-2028 transforms the role of Correos by strengthening its position as a…
About Correos
Correos Group
We have managed to be the best provider of physical, digital and parcel communications in Spain working with efficiency, quality and sustainability.
Access to all information about our economic and financial management, quality results achieved in the provision of universal postal service and corporate information.
People and talent
We bet on the training of young people through the Jóvenes Talentos (Young Talents) program. Our program serves as a professional shuttle …
Press Room
All the news related to the activity of the company since 2018, press dossier and multimedia archive.
As a public service company, Correos strives to create a positive social impact with its activities, supporting the economic development of Spanish businesses and promoting entrepreneurship and innovation.
Contracting Profile
All the information about contracts and tender announcements of Correos Group, can be found at Public Sector Contracting Platform.