Correos Group
We were established in 1716 to provide a public service for all. We have managed to become the best provider of physical, digital and parcel communications in Spain through efficiently working with quality and sustainability, with the best professionals, the greatest territorial presence and the most innovative equipment. We are part of the daily lives of citizens, companies and institutions, making their lives easier.
Correos Group Presentation
Correo Group, integrated by Correos and its subsidiaries Correos Express, Correos Express Portugal and Correos Telecom, operates in the physical and digital communications sector and in the parcel services market. It is leading the non-urgent transport segment and is a reference for the e-commerce sector.
Correos is part of the SEPI Group, a holding company which covers 15 companies in which it has a direct majority participation, with a workforce of more than 78,000 employees. It is also a shareholder in the RTVE Corporation, has a public foundation, and has direct minority holdings in nine companies and indirect holdings in over one hundred companies.
Correos, parent company of Correos Group, is one of the main Spanish companies in terms of size, territorial presence, human capital and physical and digital infrastructure. It is also the operator that has been appointed by law to provide the universal postal service throughout Spanish territory, with criteria of efficiency, quality and affordability, contributing to the sustainability of postal communications for all citizens.
Correos is the benchmark company in the Spanish postal market and one of the most important parcel service operators, especially for the e-commerce sector, for its excellent, trustworthy and reliable service and for its global, physical and digital offer, to cover the needs of each customer segment.
Correos Express is the group company specialised in express delivery.
Its business model, based on its own dedicated offices, provides a fast and flexible service, as well as greater security and quality in handling. Through its network of centres and the latest technologies applied to the classification and distribution, it guarantees complete traceability of deliveries and effective delivery at the greatest convenience for the receiver. Besides, it has a wide range of services, designed to meet all of its clients’ delivery needs on time, as well as specific solutions for sectors that require flexibility and full adaptation to their value chains.
Documentación fusión Nexea – Correos
In 2023, Correos absorbed the activity of its subsidiary Nexea, dedicated to offering personalized services in document management, for mass communications between companies and their customers.
These customized technological solutions for documentary processes are offered through a multichannel communications model, in all types of media and formats, with the maximum guarantees of information security, documentary traceability, total integration with technological systems and reliability in delivery of communications.
Correos Telecom manages the Group telecommunications network and sells the surplus capacity of this infrastructure.
The company specialises in providing high capacity connectivity services, communication services and telecommunication infrastructure services, adding value to its clients’ activity through flexibility and innovation.
It also provides technical support to the other companies of the Correos Group to improve their operational processes and the development of new digital services.
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Key figures
Security Policy
The aim of the Correos Group’s Security Policy is to establish the general aims and principles that should govern actions in the area of security in terms of the effective protection of the Group’s people, assets and facilities.
This Policy confirms the commitment to understand security as one of the key pillars on which the global Correos organisation is built, for the purpose of contributing the following aims:
· To protect the people and assets that make up the Organisation by having a Security Management System in place to mitigate the risks arising from internal and/or external threats.
· To generate appropriate security measures to favour the achievement of the Group’s goals and the continuity of operations.
· Comply with the applicable regulations and cooperate with the competent authorities in the relevant area.
· Disseminate this Policy and the regulatory framework that develops it, promoting training and awareness in this area among all the Organisation’s personnel, so that Security forms part of the company’s processes.
Security Policy
Excellence and Sustainability Policy
The Correos Group is made up by a series of companies engaged in the physical and digital communications sector and the parcel delivery market, in which customers increasingly demand services of greater added value that can only be achieved through excellence and sustainability.
Based on the principles of legal compliance, honesty, integrity and transparency that are enshrined in the General Code of Conduct and the various corporate policies, and within the framework of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Alignment Model and the company’s Sustainability Master Plan, we have made the following commitments:
- To customers through efficiency and innovation in our processes and products. Constantly striving for excellence in our service and developing new solutions that are tailored to an increasingly more digital society.
- To the people who work for the Group by safeguarding their health and safety in the workplace, through lifelong learning and through their professional and personal development.
- To environmental sustainability by encouraging people to look after the environment through certain specific targets in terms of air quality, climate change and the circular economy, and ensuring that those targets are in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
- To society by promoting social and cultural development in the communities where we operate, thereby making a contribution to their well-being and progress.
Excellence and Sustainability Policy
Risk Control And Management Policy
The Correos Group corporate Risk Control And Management Policy, approved by the Governing Board in 2022, sets the principles ad guidelines to ensure the identification, analysis, management and control of risks, systemically and uniformly, thus contributing to:
- achieving strategic corporate goals, maximizing economic value generated;
- providing an adequate level of assurance for all stakeholders;
- compliance with applicable regulations;
- enabling the operations to be carried out with the anticipated safety and quality, ensuring the continuity of public service.
This Policy defines the guidelines to be followed to identify and maintain risks within tolerance thresholds and to provide the elements to decide on the level of acceptable risk at any given time, taking into account the cross-cutting nature of the risks. To this end, its implementation is based on four principles of action: focus on risk management through an effective internal control environment, strengthening corporate governance, comprehensive risk management strategy and culture, and internal transparency.
Information Security Policy
The Information Security policy encompasses the following strategic objectives:
- Maintain levels of security, in terms of Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, Traceability and Authenticity, to align with the needs of the Business and to instil confidence in our customers.
- Implement technical and organisational measures that provide an appropriate level of security, covering the systems and processes that process information.
- Ensure that all activities are conducted in accordance with the prevailing legal framework and any contractual obligations agreed with customers.
- Promote a culture of cybersecurity among all Organisation staff.
- Information Security Management System be maintained based on international standards. This system must be capable of identifying, quantifying, prioritising and addressing risks associated with assets, processes and services.
- Implement the requisite technological contingency mechanisms to ensure the continuity of services and information systems, thereby enabling their recovery within an acceptable timeframe
Information security policy
Business Continuity and Resilience Policy
The purpose of the Correos Group Business Continuity and Resilience Policy is to establish the general framework for the development, implementation, review and improvement of an efficient Business Continuity Management System, through the Business Continuity Plans.
This Policy establishes the determination and commitment of Correos at the highest level to reach a standard of security that is adequate and up-to-date with the needs of the business, bringing with it benefits like:
· Improving the company’s operating profit.
· Reducing risks.
· Reducing costs.
· Reducing inactivity times.
· Improving competitiveness.
· Preserving the needs and interest of customers, company staff and other stakeholders.
· Protecting the business’s assets and know-how.
Business Continuity and Resilience Policy
2023 Awards
Our history
The Correos service was created more than 300 years ago to cover the communication needs of the society of the time.
The organisation of post in Spain is due to the Romans. The cursus publicus, as it was called, spanned the whole of Hispania via an extensive roads network carrying messages for the army or Roman administrators.
Later, during Middle Ages, the numerous kingdoms in which Spain was divided created their own post systems. The messengers went from one court to another with the orders of their kings. Also merchants, religious and university institutions had their own couriers. The postal service in Spain was progressively transformed with the unification of the kingdoms under the monarchy of the Catholic Monarchs, with the discovery of America and then with the expansion of territories in Europe during the reign of Charles I of Spain.
At the same time, the concession of the royal privilege of the postal service to the Taxis family centralised all postal orders both in Spain and Europe.
With the change of dynasty at the beginning of the 18th century, the postal service stopped being a concession of the monarch to become Renta Real (Royal Income).
On 8 July 1716, with the appointment of Juan Tomás de Goyeneche as Chief Superintendent and General Administrator of Post Offices by Phillip V, the Post Office became the responsibility of the State.
Correos has been the Internet of the 18th century, the standard-bearer of nineteenth-century modernisation, the technological avant-garde of the 20th century and with the turn of the 21st century, the best provider of physical and digital communications and deliveries in Spain.
More than three centuries of history
Creation of the first operator of the Iberian Peninsula and international expansion in Southeast Asia.
National consolidation of the new offices, incorporating new services for citizens, institutions and companies.
Opening of CorreosLabs innovation centre.
We celebrate our 300th birthday.
Creation of e-commerce solutions for SMEs, Comandia.
Opening of CityPaq, parcel automatic lockers and launching of new office concept.
Opening of the Virtual Post Office.
Automation of the network of major logistics centres.
Launch of the first Correos website.
First prototype of a Spanish electric car for delivery (Zeus).
Computerisation of the entire post office network.
Invention of the post code.
Household mailboxes setting-up.
Establishment of innovative services such as urgent letters, money orders and reimbursements.
Creation of the Post Office Employee corps.
First public phone service in Spain.
Women joined the workforce.
Daily postal delivery.
Setting of the first travelling postal service. Telegraph corps creation.
Supply of own transport fleet for correspondence and creation of postage stamp as a payment method.
Installation of the first public mailboxes.
Postman profession foundation.
Rates rationalization and creation of List, Post Office Box, Printed Materials and Newspaper services.