We are one of the main state companies in Spain, working with a staff of more than 52,000 people and making an extensive capillary available. As a public company, we are responsible for conducting some exemplary behaviour for the development of our activity and meeting our commitments with the society in each area of our Company.
Sustainability plan
For twenty years, we have been involved in different social areas, such as childhood, diversity, disabilities and environment, among others. Under our willing to continue with our cooperation, we have implemented a Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Plan. This plan includes two fundamental pillars: our commitment to meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the so-called “Demographic Challenge”.
The SDGs are made up of the 2030 Agenda proposed by the United Nations. It involves 193 countries in order to erase poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all.
At Correos we are committed to achieving these Goals and, therefore, we are working on those we can influence in a positive manner:
- Goal # 5: Gender Equality
- Goal # 7: Affordable, Clean Energy
- Goal # 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
- Goal # 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
- Goal # 10: Reduced Inequalities
- Goal # 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
- Goal # 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
- Goal # 13: Climate Action
- Goal # 17: Partnerships for a sustainable market
To meet these objectives we have implemented several initiatives:
- less polluting delivery system
- promotion of innovation through agreements with start-ups
- convenience business projects, such as CityPaq
- promotion of gender equality in the Company
However, we need to join forces. So, we have started the “¡VamOs!” project. This initiative explains each of the SDGs, and proposes some actions so that all citizens can participate to achieve the Goals of the 2030 Agenda.
Una de las iniciativas internas que hemos puesto en marcha es el proyecto “¡VamOs!” a través del cual se explican cada uno de los ODS, y cómo Correos contribuye a ellos, Igualmente propondremos acciones para que, todos nosotros, a nivel individual, identifiquemos acciones y comportamientos que también contribuyan a alcanzar la Agenda 2030.
Our country is facing a demographic challenge, already included in the agendas of the Spanish Administrations, to curb depopulation and discrimination between urban and rural areas.
It is an essential aspect of our business, influencing the development of new products and services. To face this challenge, Correos has designed Correos Market, an online shop selling handcrafted and local products. Our aim is to boost the growth of local producers to bring them closer to any citizen, taking advantage of the digital environment and promote a culture of collaborations.
La red de Correos es una pieza fundamental en este compromiso. Formada por más de 2.400 oficinas distribuidas a lo largo del territorio nacional, vive una continua transformación para responder a las necesidades de los ciudadanos, especialmente allí donde carecen de muchos servicios e infraestructuras. De este modo, la oficina de Correos se reinventa para ofrecer, por ejemplo, servicios bancarios y canales de comunicación con la Administración rápidos y fiables.
Action areas
At Correos, we bet on offering sustainable products and services to citizens, whereas we fight for the environment maintenance.
For the last years we have proposed different Responsible Business initiatives, based on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the #Demographic Challenge project.
At Correos, we work hard on a daily basis to ensure to be a public company committed to the society in which we operate, by meeting our role under an active and participatory way. To this end, we organise a wide range of dissemination and information activities addressed at society each year, with the aim of raising awareness of certain social issues:
Educational projects (with programmes such as “Mensajeros de la Paz” or “Inicia Valores de la Empresa” and lectures and conferences on environment).
Support diversity (women and people with disabilities).
Volunteering (conferences on reforestation, food collection and Christmas campaign
Social awareness campaigns (Earth Hour, the “Correos Reparte Sonrisas”, XtuMirada, XSolidaria programmes and the donation of computer equipment, mobile phones and furniture).
We are conscious that we must contribute to the world in which we perform our activities, by protecting and by improving the environment. This comes from the fact of the kind of company we are – our size, our presence across Spain and the size of our fleet, which already exceeds 14,200 vehicles.
Responsible business
In Correos we are committed to offering citizens sustainable products and services, fighting for the conservation of the environment. In recent years we have proposed different initiatives focused on:
- Sustainable Product Development
- Collaborative solutions
- Proximity services
- Social innovation
Línea Bosques (Forest-Green line)
Since 2000, Correos has the “Línea Verde-Bosques” program aimed at reforestation and recovery of degraded areas across Spain. The packaging used are manufactured with sustainable materials, using 100% recycled cardboard and reducing the use of inks. For each type of packaging, we cooperate with the “WWF España” environmental NGO, by allocating two cents for reforestation projects and one cent for fire prevention.
In these 20-years, 19 forests equivalent to 92,000 trees of native species in an area of 260 hectares spread across Spain have been planted and awareness of nature and biodiversity for the society has been raised.
This project has been recognized all over the world. In 2013, Correos was awarded with the World Mail Award in CSR category and with a recognition at the 4th edition of the Corresponsables Award for its commitment to sustainability.
#Correos Compensa
A new offsetting emission initiative for citizen’s shipments has been implemented. In alliance with ClimateTrade, Spain’s leading start up in climate markets using Blockchain solutions, we link mitigation project developers to businesses and consumers.
In order to reduce as much as possible the number of emissions, Correos offsets for all those caused by parcels and letters sent by private individuals and small businesses from any of its offices.
# Correos Market
Correos Market is an online platform launched to promote the sale of handmade products manufactured by local artisans. An authentic digital marketplace that includes food, beverage, handcrafts and cosmetics, close at any consumer’s hand in Spain.
All products have the “Correos Market Seal of Quality” and shipping costs are free of charge. Thus, Correos takes profit of its own network capillary to provide service to local entrepreneurs and to facilitate shopping for consumers.
This project was born under the framework of the commitment of Correos to promote the rural environment and fight against territorial imbalances, which is one of the key lines of our CSR/Sustainability Plan.
# Lehnica social
Since 2016, Correos has been promoting innovation and entrepreneurship through Correos Labs with the #RetoLehnica programme, which rewards the five best logistics, communication or social entrepreneurship projects with a tailored-mentoring plan and some co-working spaces.
Following this strategic line, the “social” aspect of Reto Lehnica, Lehnica Social, was implemented as the main initiative of Responsible Innovation. Correos contribute, thus, to the culture of entrepreneurship and help to make the Spanish business world strong.
For more information: https://www.correoslabs.com
Correos Compensa
These are the areas in which projects certified by international bodies and validated by the Spanish Office for Climate Change are developed:
- Agroforestry: focused on reducing emissions from deforestation and the degradation of tropical forests.
- Renewable Energies: aimed at decreasing the use of fossil fuels and creating green jobs.
- Forestry treatments to generate biomass energy and prevent fires.
Repopulation on land burnt in 2006 in the region of Navarredonda de Gredos (Castilla y Leoón). Tree planting and care along the time are actions with a positive impact in society and ecosystems touched by forest fires.
Featured Actions:
- Strengthening biodiversity by increasing resilience to climate change.
- Creation of CO2 sinks managing the obtaining of carbon credits through the certification of plantations.
- Promote the creation of technological companies to optimise plantations and their conservations
- Promote the development of rural areas of action, reversing the depopulation of these territories.
Wind energy to eliminate the use of fossil fuels and encourage green policies.
Mexican national grid system uses fossil fuels. This initiative will contribute to increasing the use of renewable energies, such as wind, to ensure a progressive energy transformation of the country.
With this type of projects, Acciona promotes some opportunities for youngsters through green jobs in safe environments, whereas it invests part of the profits from the sale of this energy in social, educational and sanitation plans.
For example, “Programa Luz” in Casa Oaxaca, in which solar panels electrify those communities with less than one hundred inhabitants where the official network is not reached.
Bosques Amazónicos has partnered with the chestnut seller Association “Federación de Castañeros de Madre de Dios” in Amazon region to avoid the deforestation in the areas devoted for the collection of chestnuts. The objective is to protect 500,000 hectares of chestnut trees through three activities:
- Improve the quality of life of licensees and the value of their forests.
- Establish a monitoring system to detect the risks of deforestation at an early stage.
- Provide green employment opportunities through some activities, such as reforestation, monitoring and surveillance.
Mitigation of methane emissions and power generation with the reuse of waste and landfill gas.
This project promotes the collection and destruction/use of gas at the main waste dumping site of Recreio, in southern Brazil. An important part of this gas is used as a renewable fuel for electricity generation of electricity that benefits more than 200,000 people in the area.
The management of own forests for energy generation with biomass and fire prevention.
The “Nueva Aldea Fase Ópera” project implements some technologies in rural areas and includes effective and scalable green employment policies with governments. The aim is to fight against climate change while preventing fires.